
PCSNP Tech Cafe Software

Get GST Billing and Inventory Software from PCSNP Tech.

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Software for Cafe

PCSNP Tech provides GST billing and inventory software for Cafe. Our cafe software is customizable with lots of features as listed below:

  • Multi Companies
  • Multi Location
  • GST Billing
  • Take Away
  • Dine In
  • KOT Management
  • Order Type wise Sale
  • Inventory Management
  • Product Management
  • Customer Management
  • Employee Management
  • Supplier Management
  • Discount Management
  • DayBook Management
  • Wallet Management
  • MIS Reports
  • SMS Setting
  • Email Setting
  • Tax Setting
  • Reconciliation Setting
  • Data Backup & Restore Setting
  • Multiple User Login
  • User Privelege Management
  • Barcode Generation
  • Data Transfer from old softwares
  • All reports in excel,csv,pdf,rtf & xml

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Pricing Plans

Get best features for you in affordable pricing.

PCSNP Tech provides two different pricing plans as per users choice. There are Basic and Advanced pricing plans for you.


/ 18% GST Extra

PCSNP Tech provides cafe software for GST Billing and Inventory under Basic pricing plan as per listed points:

  • Billing Management
  • Take Away
  • Dine In
  • Product Management
  • SMS Management
  • Point Management
  • MIS Reports
  • Single User License
  • Coupon Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Barcode Printing
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*Customization Extra
Module Features Basic Premium
Product Features Auto Product Code & Barcode Generation
Product Department, Manufacturer, Supplier Entry
Product Group, Category, Brand Entry
Product HSN Code Entry
Product Unit Setting
Multiple MRP & Rate Setting
Reorder Level Setting
Minimum Level Setting
Track Inventory Setting
Open Rate Setting
Discount & Item Type Setting
Product Image Setting
Product Expiry Setting
Product Import, Export via Excel
Bulk Stock Editing Option
Module Features Basic Premium
Billing Features Product Code, Description, Barcode wise Billing
Take Away
Dine In
Order Type Wise Sale
Multiple MRP, Price List & Discount
Sales Return on Sale Bill
Party Wise Rate, Discount and Scheme
Indication for New, Old Rate & Expiry
Change Discount at a time of bill
Double Discount Fascility
Party Selection via Mobile No. or Name
Message & Email on Bill
Multiple Settlement Mode Fascility
Coupon Redeem & Generation Fascility
Party Sale History Dashboard on Party Selection
Negative Stock Billing Fascility
Auto Calculation of Taxes, Cess, Amount & no Chance of Manual Mistake
Point Redeem & Generation Fascility
Payment via Wallet Fascility
POS Counter Sale Provision
Module Features Basic Premium
Purchase Features Supplier Detail Display on Supplier Selection
Purchase Order Management
Purchase Entry via Purchase Order Reference
Wastage Management
Return Management
Physical Stock Management
Transfer Receipt Fascility
Transfer Issue Fascility
Last Deals at the Time of Purchase to Cross Check Rate, Disc, Tax & Scheme
Barcode, Label Printing from Purchase Bill
Purchase Bill Modification
Purchase Bill Deletion
Module Features Basic Premium
Transaction Features Voucher Entry
Voucher Updation, Deletion
Customer Receipt Entry
Supplier Payment Entry
Bank Entry
Party Ledger
Reconciliation Management
Area, Route Wise Payment Collection Report
Material, Payment Acknowledgement Fascility
Module Features Basic Premium
Customer Features Customer Profile Creation
Customer Profile Updation, Deletion
Maintain Customer Record Like Mobile No, MeberShip Card, DOB, DOM & Member Type
Due Days for Bill Payment Setting
Customer Credit Limit Setting
Customer wise Product Discount & Taxes Setting
Customer Opening Balance Setting
Customer wise Route & Sale Person Setting
View Customer Bill History & Visit Detail
Module Features Basic Premium
Wallet Features Gift Master Setting
Card Type Setting
Point Calculation Setting
Coupon Range Setting
Coupon Entry Setting
Add Value in Wallet
Activate / Deactivate Member Card Setting
Update Customer Card Setting
Assign Gift
Point As Discount Setting
Set SMS & Email Message Setting
Single & Bulk SMS Sending Fascility
Single & Bulk Email Sending Fascility
Module Features Basic Premium
Employee & Payroll Features Employee Creation, Updation, Deletion
Employee Work Hours, Monthly Salary, Commission Setting
Employee Department, Designation Setting
Attendance Management
Advance Payment Entry
OverTime Calculation
Salary Slip Generation
Commission Management
Module Features Basic Premium
Reports Item Wise Sale Report
Item Wise Purchase Report
Item Create, Modify Report
Category Wise Sale Report
Top, Bottom Item Sale Report
Item Sale Margin Analysis Report
Min, Max Item Stock Report
Expired Item Report
Department Wise Sale Report
Manufacturer Wise Sale Report
Item Sale History Bill Wise
Sale Report
Cash, Credit Sale Report
Item Billing History Report
Sale Return Report
Return Cancelled Report
Sale Person Wise Sale Report
Tax Collection Report
Cashier Collection Summary
Cancelled Bill Report
Bill Modified Report
Supplier Wise Sale Report
Inventory Related Reports
GST Summary
GST Outward Report
GST Inward Report
Tax Computation
Trading Account
Profit & Loss Account
Customer Wise Sale Report
Customer Group, Category Wise Sale Report
Coupon Report
Membership Wise Sale Report
Employee Attendance Report
Employee Salary Report
Module Features Basic Premium
Misc. Cash Collection Entry
Sale Graph
Purchase Graph

PCSNP Tech Provides Billing & Inventory Softwares

Get billing & inventory softwares for retail shops, garment shops, gyms, mobile shops, restaurants, cafe, bakery, book shops, salons, auto parts, transports, weighing, ayurveda clinic, academy and many more...

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